How much your happiness cost?

Ashik Shaffi
2 min readDec 27, 2020

Wouldnt be nice if happiness has a price tag? People who are desperate but rich enough could even buy happiness. Where the whole world will be striding towards how to earn money leaving happiness behind. How pathetic?

These are my delusions, but still, hard truth how the human being programmed these days gives a glimpse of the dark future.

From choosing careers to death bed, we forget the real meaning of happiness and embedded the synthetic way of happiness. Reckoning happiness can only be attained by the materialistic things around us.

Choosing a career not because we love it, but just because we wanted to fill our bank. Money is vital there is no debate in that, but when you replace happiness with money then that's an issue.

I hear people shouting Passion!! but the majority of these people are lying scumbags indeed. They usually mold themselves in society by faking their passion.

The word passion should be an inner force, now it's been more like a force exerted by society onto us. Taking what the world gives us to lead us to nothing but society’s hoax, which masquerades alike truth but they are pure disbelief.

Are you ready to put a price tag on your happiness yet?

